10 Dividend Aristocrat Stocks to Buy Now

The stock market is having its worst week since the financial crisis. For some investors, a flight to safety has them getting out of the market. But other investors are taking a flight to quality. And when it comes to quality in equities, these are the moments when dividend stocks shine.

Already JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM), Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS) and Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) are projecting that the coronavirus may wipe out corporate earnings growth for 2020. If investors can’t count on their equities to provide capital gains, they look to dividends to boost their total return.

But like any investment, not all dividend stocks are alike. Some of the best dividend stocks are the dividend aristocrats. By definition, for a company to become a dividend aristocrat, they must have at least 25 consecutive years of dividend growth (not just issued a dividend). These companies have a proven track record of weathering market turbulence and delivering solid performance. And, right now, there are only 64 of these companies. In this presentation, we’ll give you 10 dividend aristocrat stocks you can invest in right now.

Click the "Continue to Slide #1" button to view the first company.


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